How much do you need to train?
Now if you just started training and you don’t know how many times you should train
You should train every muscle twice per week
Although as a beginner you don’t need to train that much
Because when you start lifting weights for the 1st time, your muscles will grow because of the newbie gains
Sooner or later you’ll have to switch to it anyway.
But you can choose from various workout splits.
There are many types of splits for example: Push Pull Legs, Upper/Lower body, Full body, Agonist/Antagonist, Bro split
The most famous split you’ll see people following will be the Bro split
In which you train every body part once per week.
For example:
Mon – Chest
Tue – Back
Wed – Shoulder
Thursday – Arms
Friday – Legs
Saturday – Abs
Nothing is wrong with this split but you’ll have to adjust your cardio workout after weight training.
And Bro split has too many rest days for each muscle
Now what I like to do is to do, weight training 3 days a week and other 3 days cardio.
I do push on Monday, pull on Wednesday, push on Friday and so on.
In my push workouts, I’ve included all lower-body pushing movements and pulling movements in all the pull workouts
On the days I’m not lifting weights I do cardio
Sometimes I go to the nearest park and jog for 10 minutes
When I have less time I do 4-5 sets of burpees
Whichever I pick from them, my goal is to elevate my heart rate for a longer period