Get stronger on these lifts to look big

Get stronger on these 4 lifts

get stronger

In this blog, I want to cover a few exercises which make you look big

So before talking about the exercises, let’s talk about the muscles these exercises target

Latissimus Dorsi
Upper traps
Anterior & lateral delt

So, to target lats you can either do lat-pull-downs, or weighted pull-ups

And your rep-range should be between 5-10, which means heavy

And you must hit failure or 1 rep before failure

This applies to every other exercise that I’m going to tell you

Exercise for upper traps is shrugs, and the same 5-10 rep range for shrugs

For shrugs, I would recommend dumbbells but after a certain point heavier dumbbells start hitting your quads while performing the exercise

I perform shrugs with the Smith machine, you can choose the equipment which suits you better

For anterior delt, the best exercise is any kind of overhead or high-incline pressing movement for example: military press, OHP

For shoulder presses I avoid lower reps like 4-5 because I do OHP with DB, I do them for 8-12 reps

Now the last one, for lateral delt the best exercise is lateral raises

I never do lateral raises for less than 12 reps, because if I use that much heavy weight my shoulder joint hurts and I try to avoid injuries as much as possible

These are just the exercises and you probably doing them already, but the point is to focus on these particular movements and get stronger on them and you’ll see a big difference

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