Food and dietary needs to gain weight

In this blog, I want to tell you how to gain weight and what ingredients you’ll need to have to expect results
First things first, to gain weight you need to be in a calorie surplus, a big or small surplus that’s up to you, but you NEED to make sure that you’re in a calorie surplus
Well, how’ll you do that?
You’ll need to count your calories
But how?
Check your current body weight, convert it into pounds(lbs), and multiply your body weight (lbs) by 17, that number is the amount of calories you will need to consume every day to gain weight
And for protein you have to consume (BW(lbs) * 0.8)= your protein intake in grams
Training in order to gain weight

Now let’s move on to the next thing which is the training part, training to gain weight is basically adding muscular weight and it can be explained in straightforward terms, “get stronger”
It is easy to write and say but very different while executing, but understand this you must get stronger on every
exercise you do so you can gain weight
Otherwise, there is no point in being a calorie surplus, you’ll end up gaining fat
And getting stronger is difficult because your body won’t just easily adapt to the heavier weights, you’ll have to force it to do so
Recovery and optimized hormones

For proper recovery, you must get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep
Sleep can be optimized easily by avoiding napping during the day and going to bed between 9-11 pm
You can also have a salt tablet before sleep to avoid midnight bathroom breaks
For peak testosterone levels get:
Morning sunlight on exposed skin for 30 minutes every day
Zinc and magnesium before sleep
Animal fat for example: egg yolks or fatty meat also helps you to gain weight because they are calorie-dense
If you actually implement all the steps told above, you will definitely gain weight (muscular weight) and get stronger